高中英语”Tag标签 共有 10 条相关资讯
高中英语试讲教案《Unit 3 A Taste of English humor– Writing》
试讲技巧2023-09-27 15:14:36浏览 359
高中英语试讲教案《Unit 4 Earthquakes》Teaching Aims:Knowledge aims:1. Students will know more about Tangshan earthquake and the destruction of earthquakes.
试讲技巧2023-09-27 15:03:55浏览 356
高中英语《Workbook Unit 4 Learning Efficiently》教学设计Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. Students can grasp the main idea and detailed information about the passage.2. Students can know s
学科模拟2021-07-23 15:05:56浏览 389
高中英语《A land of diversity》教学设计 Teaching aimsKnowledge aims1. Students will have a deep understanding of California and Joshua Tree National Park.2. Students can know
学科模拟2021-07-23 15:03:36浏览 405
高中英语《Festivals around the world》教学设计人教版高中必修3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world — Learning about Language — Discovering useful words and expressions请根据以下教...
学科模拟2021-07-23 15:00:45浏览 627
高中英语《Nothing ventured, nothing gained》教学设计请根据人教版出版社普通高中标准试验教科书选修10 Workbook Unit 1 Nothing ventured, nothing gained--Reading Task 55页的教学内容,设计一篇完整教案。&n...
学科模拟2021-07-23 14:55:53浏览 372
高中英语《A Strict Teacher》教学设计Teaching AimsKnowledge aims:1. Students can master the meaning and usage of “serious”, “immediately”, “appreciate” and “organized”.2. After this lesson, s
学科模拟2021-07-21 17:10:43浏览 370
高中英语《liaison》教学设计I Teaching AimsKnowledge aim:Students can master the rule of liaison.Ability aims:Students can recognize liaison parts in given material and can read it out correc
学科模拟2021-07-21 17:05:30浏览 391
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